Interview: How Guinea-Bissau’s anti-colonial struggle influenced the Carnation Revolution

25 April 2024 Mamadu during our inter­view in Febru­ary 2023. Born in the mid-1950s, Mamadu grew up in Guinea-Bissau’s coas­tal region of Tombali under the long shadow of Portu­guese colo­nia­lism. As a child, he witnessed Portu­guese raids on his family’s village and the armed resis­tance of the Part­ido Afri­cano para a Inde­pen­dên­cia da Guiné e Cabo Verde … Read more

Friendship through Ether Waves: Radio Berlin International and its Listening Publics in India

Dr. Anan­dita Bajpai 4 Octo­ber 2023 Down­load as PDF Intro­duc­tion Radio was a promi­nent tool of the ‘Cultu­ral Cold War’ for reaching out to people in ‘far away’ spaces, commu­ni­ca­ting world­views that prescri­bed to Cold War-divi­­des, and in forging ideo­lo­gi­cal affi­ni­ties and animo­si­ties alike. Seve­ral foreign broad­cas­ting stati­ons based in Europe, USA, and the Soviet Union were … Read more

Hope, Fear, and Solidarity

A Chilean emigrant and a former GDR citi­zen recount the victory of Salva­dor Allende and the Unidad Popu­lar in Chile, the 1973 coup d’état, and the escape from Chile to the GDR. 25 Septem­ber 2023 Espa­ñol The film poster for “I was, I am, I shall be” by the DDR-film­­ma­kers Heynow­ski & Scheu­mann (1974) Intro­duc­tion 53 years … Read more

“On the ideological front, there was no peaceful coexistence”: Interview with Ulrich Kolbe

As part of our rese­arch into the Medi­cal College, we conduc­ted an inter­view with former German teacher Ulrich Kolbe in July 2021. In this first part, he descri­bes the GDR’s anti-impe­ria­list stra­tegy in gene­ral and discus­ses the deve­lo­p­ment of the poli­ti­cal conscious­ness of GDR citizens. 

“Solidarity is a two-way street”: Interview with anti-apartheid militant Ronnie Kasrils

Ronnie Kasrils, born 1938 in Johan­nes­burg, joined the South Afri­can Commu­nist Party at the age of 23. He was a foun­ding member of the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the para­mi­li­tary wing of the Afri­can Natio­nal Congress (ANC). After recei­ving mili­tary and intel­li­gence trai­ning in the Soviet Union and the GDR, Kasrils helped to estab­lish a sophisti­ca­ted under­ground network of anti-apart­heid figh­ters from the mid-1960s onwards. Follo­wing the victory over apart­heid, Kasrils served as Minis­ter of Water Affairs and Forestry (1999–2004) and Minis­ter of Intel­li­gence Services (2004–2008) in the ANC governments.

“We always asked ourselves: Does this solidarity project serve the overall development of this country?”

Achim Reichardt, born in 1929, had served as a diplo­mat for the GDR in Sudan, Leba­non, and Libya. From 1982 to 1990 he was gene­ral secre­tary of the Soli­da­rity Commit­tee of the GDR, an orga­niza­tion emer­ging in the 1960s to admi­nis­ter the finan­cial and mate­rial dona­ti­ons coll­ec­ted by the GDR’s mass orga­niza­ti­ons to support the libe­ra­tion move­ments and newly inde­pen­dent states in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Soli­da­rity Commit­tee became a central coor­di­na­tor of the GDR’s soli­da­rity worldwide.