Smashing Neocolonial Rule in Congo-Brazzaville
A struggle for non-capitalist development, people’s democracy, and scientific socialism in Central Africa (1963–1990)
A struggle for non-capitalist development, people’s democracy, and scientific socialism in Central Africa (1963–1990)
Soviet and DDR scholars on the role of the nationally liberated states in the capitalist world economy and the prospects of socialist oriented development
Nathan Macé 21 May 2024 Introduction The end of the Second World War inaugurated a new era of the 20th century: the old European colonial powers had been greatly weakened, a new socialist world system had emerged across Asia and Eastern Europe, and the national liberation movements in Africa and Asia were invigorated with a new … Read more
How the DDR came to provide military support for the Mozambican liberation struggle Mascha Neumann 25 April 2024 Today, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) is remembered by many progressive forces around the world as a pioneer in support for the national liberation movements of the 20th century. The GDR’s anti-imperialist solidarity ranged from education programmes, medical … Read more
Over 50 years ago, Chile broke free from imperialist dominance and plunder. Germany too has a long history of exploiting Chile, but this tradition was broken by the GDR’s extensive support for the sovereignty of the Chilean people. The 1973 coup against Allende made these two opposing historical tendencies clear.
An East German medical school dedicated to internationalism
From 1960 to 1968, the Republic of Mali was at the forefront of social revolution in Africa. The country’s governing party, the Union Soudanaise, had refused to settle for formal political sovereignty and declared in 1960 that the republic would opt for “l’option socialiste” to secure economic independence from imperialism and social liberation for the Malian people. This brief episode of revolutionary upheaval in Mali offers insights into several central aspects of anti-imperialism in the 20th century.