With the rese­arch plat­form “Friend­ship!”, we explore the expe­ri­en­ces, deba­tes and the deve­lo­p­ment of an anti-impe­ria­list and inter­na­tio­na­list stra­tegy in the DDR and the wider socia­list camp. In the concept paper, which can be found here on the right-hand side of the page, we briefly outline the histo­ri­cal deve­lo­p­ment of prole­ta­rian inter­na­tio­na­lism to derive core objec­ti­ves and ques­ti­ons that will shape the platform.

This page provi­des an over­view of ongo­ing rese­arch on speci­fic soli­da­rity projects carried out by the GDR and the socia­list camp.