Wolf­gang Herr­mann, born in 1939, is a trai­ned carpen­ter and civil engi­neer. He was an active member of the Free German Youth (FDJ) and the Socia­list Unity Party of Germany (SED) and worked for both orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in various func­tions at district and borough level in the district of Neubran­den­burg. From 1975 to 1978 he studied at the Party School of the Commu­nist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow and gradua­ted with a degree in social science. After the victory of the Sandi­nista People’s Revo­lu­tion in Nica­ra­gua in 1979, he worked as an advi­ser to the Sandi­nista Front of Natio­nal Libe­ra­tion (FSLN) on behalf of the SED from 1985 to 1988.


After 1990, he became self-employed as a free­lance engi­neer. He contin­ued his poli­ti­cal acti­vity in the Party of Demo­cra­tic Socia­lism (PDS) and the German Commu­nist Party (DKP), before beco­ming unaf­fi­lia­ted in 2015. He is still commit­ted to soli­da­rity with the FSLN and the Nica­ra­guan people. Wolf­gang Herr­mann is married and lives toge­ther with his wife in Dreesch, a small village near Prenz­lau. They have child­ren, grand­child­ren and great-grandchildren.

The inter­view was filmed on 13 July 2021.

More videos from the inter­view are available, but have not yet been trans­la­ted with English subtit­les. If you are able help in this, please cont­act us: kontakt@ifddr.org.