Regina Klein was born in 1937 in Hirsch­berg, Sile­sia, in what is now Poland. In 1947 she was evacua­ted to the Soviet occu­pa­tion zone. She moved with her family to Qued­lin­burg in 1952, where she still lives today. After school, she was trai­ned as a sales­wo­man before joining the public enter­prise (VEB) Philo­ph­arm in 1965, which produ­ced medi­ci­nes for the DDR and for export.


Regina Klein worked there until 1990, beco­ming a chemi­cal tech­ni­cian after further educa­tion in evening school. She was part of a mentor’s brigade (Paten­bri­gade) that brought toge­ther workers with inter­na­tio­nal students from the “Doro­thea Chris­tiane Erxle­ben” Medi­cal School in Qued­lin­burg to make mutual visits and joint excursions.

More excerpts from Regina Klein’s inter­view will follow soon.