26 research institutes from 4 continents, 21 of them from the Global South, have come together to share their research and jointly stimulate discussion on the most burning issues of our time.
We accepted the invitation of our partner Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research to participate in the drafting of a document that gathers some of the most urgent economic, social and environmental demands in response to the ongoing crises today. The preliminary report “A Plan to Save the Planet” marks the beginning of and invitation to a conversation about how to shape a future society today.
The IF DDR will draw on certain sections of the report in its research and add the experiences and insights from the history of the DDR to the discussion. However, it is also important to evaluate and discuss the document as a whole. It is a provisional text, a first draft that has emerged from the analyses of the research institutes and the demands of the movements on the ground. Now it has to be critically evaluated and vividly applied. For this, we will remain in continuous exchange with the other institutes about research projects and findings and also convene conferences.
We also welcome suggestions and criticism, proposals and ideas from interested readers. Write to us at