26 rese­arch insti­tu­tes from 4 conti­nents, 21 of them from the Global South, have come toge­ther to share their rese­arch and jointly stimu­late discus­sion on the most burning issues of our time.


We accepted the invi­ta­tion of our part­ner Tricon­ti­nen­tal: Insti­tute for Social Rese­arch to parti­ci­pate in the draf­ting of a docu­ment that gathers some of the most urgent econo­mic, social and envi­ron­men­tal demands in response to the ongo­ing crises today. The preli­mi­nary report “A Plan to Save the Planet” marks the begin­ning of and invi­ta­tion to a conver­sa­tion about how to shape a future society today.


The IF DDR will draw on certain sections of the report in its rese­arch and add the expe­ri­en­ces and insights from the history of the DDR to the discus­sion. Howe­ver, it is also important to evaluate and discuss the docu­ment as a whole. It is a provi­sio­nal text, a first draft that has emer­ged from the analy­ses of the rese­arch insti­tu­tes and the demands of the move­ments on the ground. Now it has to be criti­cally evalua­ted and vividly applied. For this, we will remain in conti­nuous exch­ange with the other insti­tu­tes about rese­arch projects and findings and also convene conferences.


We also welcome sugges­ti­ons and criti­cism, propo­sals and ideas from inte­res­ted readers. Write to us at