IF DDR is happy to announce its coope­ra­tion with Tricon­ti­nen­tal: Insti­tute for Social Rese­arch.


In its advi­sory func­tion Tricon­ti­nen­tal guides us in our work to meet the needs and demands of readers in the Global South. Tricon­ti­nen­tal is an inter­na­tio­nal, move­ment-driven insti­tu­tion focu­sed on stimu­la­ting intellec­tual debate that serves people’s aspi­ra­ti­ons. With this in mind, Tricon­ti­nen­tal produ­ces a weekly news­let­ter, a cura­ted note, with current infor­ma­tion, espe­ci­ally from Latin America, Africa and Asia, that offers a window into some of the strug­gles and conflicts of our time.


The IF DDR provi­des the German language news­let­ter on its website. You can find the news­let­ters for free in a variety of languages and in English also by subscrip­tion here.