Online Event

Medicine for the people: How can socialist health care systems of the past and present inform our struggles?

What charac­te­ri­zes the socia­list approach to health? We will explore expe­ri­en­ces from the German Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic, the Geor­gian Soviet Repu­blic, and modern-day Belgium to under­stand how socia­list systems of the past and present have defied econo­mic cons­traints and trans­for­med health care to serve the needs of the people rather than profit.



  • Sopiko Japar­idze, labour unio­nist in Geor­gia, active in the Soli­da­rity Network and the People’s Health Move­ment, co-host of Reim­agi­ning Soviet Georgia
  • Janneke Ronse, chair of Medics for the People, an orga­ni­sa­tion of the Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA)
  • Matthew Read, rese­ar­cher at the Inter­na­tio­nale Forschungs­stelle DDR (IF DDR)


  • Mode­ra­tor: Fran­ziska Klei­ner, Inter­na­tio­nal People’s Assem­bly (IPA)