Salam Abou Mjahed was born in Leba­non in 1963. His father was a shoe­ma­ker and labour orga­ni­zer who joined the Leba­nese Commu­nist Party (LCP). When the Leba­nese Civil War broke out in 1975, Salam joined a mili­tary trai­ning programme orga­ni­zed by the LCP in his village. He fought in the War from 1977 to 1983. His party then sent him to the DDR to study at the “Fritz Heckert” Trade Union School in Bernau. He there­af­ter studied at the Medi­cal School “Doro­thea Chris­tiane Erxle­ben”, at which the DDR trai­ned young medi­cal students from former colo­ni­zed states and natio­nal libe­ra­tion movements.


Today, Salam works as a jour­na­list in Beirut and is a member of the Central Commit­tee of the Leba­nese Commu­nist Party (LCP)