Call for contemporary witnesses

We are looking for people who were invol­ved as orga­nisers or parti­ci­pants in the DDR’s inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­rity projects. The Inter­na­tio­nal Rese­arch Centre DDR (IF DDR) has set itself the task of rese­ar­ching inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­rity in an unbi­a­sed way and keeping the memory of it alive. We want to connect the traces of this soli­da­rity that are still globally present today with your experiences.


In addi­tion, we are inte­res­ted in indi­vi­du­als who were active in the follo­wing areas: agri­cul­ture, econo­mic plan­ning, trade unions, women’s poli­cies, and popu­lar education.


You can fill in the follo­wing form or send us an e‑mail to