EVENT: Non-Alignment and Socialism

Please note: Due to the high level of inte­rest in the event, we have had to move to a larger venue.


We will now be meeting in Semi­nar Room 3 of the Neues Deutsch­land Buil­ding, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin. The time remains the same: Friday, 7 July 2023 from 19:00 to 21:00.

We will be discus­sing with Indian histo­rian Vijay Pras­had how non-alignment and anti-impe­ria­lism relate to the struggle for socia­lism – both in the past and present.


Today, many argue that a new Cold War has begun between the USA and China. Since Febru­ary 2022, it also appears as if a new group of non-aligned states might be emer­ging. How do these deve­lo­p­ments compare to the Cold War and Non-Aligned Move­ment (NAM) of the 20th century? How did the socia­list states approach anti-impe­ria­lism and the NAM during the last century? And how can the emer­gent resis­tance to US unipo­la­rity in states like the BRICS be unders­tood today?


The event will be in English and will be recor­ded. Seating will be limi­ted, so please write to us at kontakt@ifddr.org if you plan to attend.