Event: ZEF Public Lecture: Non-capitalist development in Africa and Asia – Lessons from the 20th century

This lecture will examine the deve­lo­p­ment of the theory of “non-capi­ta­list deve­lo­p­ment” in socia­list scho­lar­ship during the 20th century and high­light some concrete expe­ri­en­ces in count­ries such as Mali, Congo-Braz­z­aville, Afgha­ni­stan, and Syria. When explo­ring both the succes­ses and limi­ta­ti­ons of this stra­tegy, we will also discuss how the collapse of the “Eastern bloc” in 1989 and the subse­quent rise of China have influen­ced the pros­pects of inde­pen­dent deve­lo­p­ment in the former colo­nies today.